Our church has had a longstanding relationship with the United Methodist Church in Kanvulancie, Mozambique, Africa. We are sister churches and we encourage people to regularly pray for the congregation, their pastor and community. Several years ago a few from our church visited our sister church in Mozambique. Last fall we contacted the church through the District Superintendent looking for creative ways we might support our sister church. He made it clear they needed a well for fresh water. The nearest water was 2 miles away in a crocodile infested river filled with water that was not sanitary. He told us, to build a well would cost $12,500.00.
This would be a big undertaking for our church as we average just a few more than 200 in worship each week. Our missions’ director said there was no way we could realistically accomplish this so we would ask God to do something that was unrealistic. We launched into this not really sure what would happen.
The UMC in Holden and Woods Chapel UMC in Lees Summit pitched in to help. The Rotary Club in Lees Summit sent us some money too. And in a little over four weeks we received $12.500.00. We will mail our check this week!
4 weeks – $12,500 – 3000 people have fresh water. The lives of the people of both churches have been forever changed. With great joy I can say, “The check is in the mail.”