Packing for Annual Conference.

In Uncategorized by PHUMC Staff

A year ago I was introduced as the new incoming pastor. It’s almost been a year ago that we first met. It came as a surprise to me and to many of you. It’s hard for me to believe how quickly time has passed. We have done many things together. We paid tuition for 1+½ students to attend nursing school in India. We sent shoes to children at Della C Lamb ministries. We helped complete the Tucker, worked in the food pantry and prayed for our community as we walked together. We delivered meals, visited those in the hospital, ate meals together and paid for a well so people in the village of Kanvulancie, Mozambique would have fresh drinking water. We baptized children and adults and experienced God’s Holy Spirit at work in our community. This year has gone by quickly.

Kristina and I love being a part of this church. You have welcomed us into your homes and into your life. Together we will continue to pray, teach, read, and wonder where God will lead us.  We are getting started with Baby Grace ministries – helping young mothers care for their children. We will take a trip to Nicaragua to meet the people and help sponsor the construction of a village. We will pay the salary of a pastor in a small village in Africa. We will receive food for the local food pantry and give that food to our neighbors. We will welcome our community as they celebrate life and as they cope with the world in which we live.   We will continue to be the church, finding new ways to reach out in love and we will fulfill the great commission Jesus gave us as we connect people to Jesus Christ.