Foreign Missions Ministry Team
Church office 816-540-2072
But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish. Psalms 9:18
This verse tells of God’s love for those living in extreme poverty and hopelessness and our foreign missions program strives to walk alongside those in foreign countries who are looking to God for help and hope.
Nicaragua Mission Project
We partner with the village of La Quesera in rural Nicaragua through Rainbow Network. The mission of Rainbow Network is to share in the love of Jesus Christ by partnering with Nicaragua’s poorest people in healthcare, education, economic development and housing. We value Christ’s call to serve the poor and we provide hope through sustainable solutions to break the cycle of poverty. Our partnership respects the dignity of all people in the community and we are building long term lasting relationships. We value the demonstration of faith demonstrated in the act of giving and have committed to $5000 per year to help fund the life changing projects in the community. Members of our congregation also provide educational scholarships for 15 secondary school students and other members have committed to be prayer partners for families within the community. More information about Rainbow Network can be found at
Ways you can participate:
- Financial contributions for our partnership
- Sponsor a secondary school student
- Go on the next mission trip, April 23-27 to continue the relationship building process
- Pray for people in the community
Mozambique Initiative:
Through the Mozambique Initiative of the Missouri Conference United Methodist Church, we have a partner church in Kanvulancie, Mozambique, Africa. We send them $900 a year which pays the pastor of the church in this very poor community. Donations in the International Missions Box by the Missions Table in the foyer as well as the quarters in our Quarter Tubes support this ministry. We recently raised $12,500 to build a well for the village. This well is providing easy access to clean, safe water for approximately 3000 people. Praise God!!!!! Below is a picture of the actual well. You can find more information at
Local Missions Ministry Team
Mary Tanck Grace Place Ministry Team Leader
Grace Place: 1 child in 3 does not have adequate diapers. This leads to many problems including diaper rash, infection, and illness. The mothers of these children suffer from a higher rate of depression and feelings of unworthiness. But PHUMC is making a difference. In 2017, you provided 14,010 diapers to area children. That’s 14,010 times that a child felt a little more secure. 14,010 times that a child was more comfortable. 14,010 times that a mother felt more worthy. 14,010 times a family found hope. 14,010 times that Jesus knocked and you answered. Thank you.
Local Missions is a ministry we continue to add projects to. Please stay tuned for more fun projects throughout the year. And contract Mary Tanck if you would like to be a part of this new team!