Children’s Church Every Sunday after a very special children’s message at the 8:30 service, our preschoolers through 4th graders are invited to study that day’s sermon (in their own special way). Volunteers lead this group in hands-on activities and Bible lessons that follow the same sermon the adults are hearing! During this time the children also are learning songs that they present in worship on communion Sundays!
Sunday School Sunday school meets from 9:45-10:45 every Sunday. Nursery is available for Children 0 to 3 yrs. Sunday school classes are a super-mix of drama, crafts, games, and Bible stories! Ages 4, Kindergarten & PreKindergarten have class in room 113. 1st & 2nd graders are in room 117. 3rd & 4th graders are in room 201. Intermediate/Middle school youth are in Jr High room. Senior Highs are in the loft! (For Youth information please go to the Youth tab under ministries).
Wednesday Night More information coming soon.
Safe Gatherings Statement At Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church we take the safety of your children very seriously. Children are not left alone and adults teaching or working with children work in teams and/or are supervised. All of our classrooms have interior windows so every activity is visible to others. Adult teachers and volunteers who interact with children receive training and we check their background with State authorities. If you ever have a concern or question about the safety of your child while in our care please contact the office, Pastor James or Susana Wheeler our Office Manager.