Adult Sunday School Classes
The Adventurers:
This class is based on open discussion of scripture and how it applies to our own lives. We gather for socials and enjoy each others company. The class uses topical lessons to aid in discussion.
Facilitator: Phil Moore
Location: Hospitality Room
Time: Sunday 9:45 am.
Revelations of God:
This class is a discussion group of all ages and Bible experience studying different books of the Bible. the name of the class comes from the Holy Spirit leading the discussion.
Facilitator: John Fogarty
Location: Room 301
Time: Sunday 9:45 am.
The Inquirers:
This class takes a look at how the Bible still affects our everyday lives. Always inquiring and continuing to move closer to God.
Facilitator: Viki Whistle
Location: Room 202
Time: Sunday 9:45 am.
Adult Bible Study
Thursday Night Bible Study:
This class is a discussion group of all ages and experience to study different books of the Bible. We accept the Bible as the inspired word of God and let the Bible be the interpreter for all questions.
Facilitator: John Fogarty
Location: Room 300
Time: Thursday’s 6:30 pm.
Snappy Seniors
The Snappy Seniors meet at noon on the third Friday of every month in the Hospitality Room. Join us for a luncheon, fellowship, and entertainment. 11:45 noon to 2:00 pm.
Worship Team
Praise Band
Chancel Choir
Bells of Faith
Prayer & Mission Teams
Prayer Team
This group meets on Tuesday Evening in the library. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. We lift each prayer request to the Lord and ask for His intervention for physical spiritual healing.
United Methodist Women (UMW)
The PHUMC United Methodist Women (UMW) seeks to know God and to make life better for women, children, and youth in the global village of today’s world. OUr local UMW supports world missions, Della Lamb Community Services, Spofford, and local organizations. We currently have 4 circles. The point of contact and meeting times are:
Friendship Circle
3rd Monday Morning, Monthly, Kit Maynor
Martha’s and Mary’s
2nd Monday Evening, Monthly, Tracy Young
Lady Bookies
This group reads and discusses a book every 3rd Thursday Afternoon, Bi-Monthly, Jeanie Moore
Fitness Opportunities
Anyone who would like to exercise to fun music and with a bunch of great women.
Tuesday and Thursday nights 7:30 – 8:30 pm in the CLC
What is it all about? Fun and Exercise. Cost is $4.00 for a class and there is no membership! We have a certified, experienced Zumba instructor who makes you forget you are exercising, Wear comfy clothes, athletic shoes and bring a bottle of water.
Stay Fit and Stay Healthy
Meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00 am-11:00 am in the Hospitality Room.