Ash Wednesday

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Tonight I will again come to the prayer rail and confess my sins; sins of commission, of omission, of thought and action. I confess that discipline and education are not enough: I need God’s grace. And even thought I know and confess those things on a regular basis I will express it in a unique way as a part of a community trying to follow Jesus.

I will have ash placed upon my forehead and then step into a line to receive God’s grace though Holy Communion. Eucharist. The Lord’s Supper. The Great Thanksgiving. It is here I find God’s acceptance for me, still a sinner. And I will enter into prayer trembling at the presence of God Almighty. And then begins forty days of Lent (plus Sundays) to contemplate God’s grace. I wonder what new things God might reveal this year during Lent? Please join me in this new adventure.