Adoption Party!

In Uncategorized by PHUMC Staff

Yesterday I was invited to a young lady’s adoption party for that afternoon but with short notice I was not able to attend. I wish I could have been there and cannot think of a better reason to celebrate. I have been thinking of an appropriate present to give her for this important celebration. I have decided to give her a Kiddush Cup.

There is a very special place in my heart for parents who adopt children. I have two grandchildren who are adopted and some of my friends have adopted children. The Bible talks about being adopted by God who includes us at the family table and provides us a full inheritance. A parent who adopts a child reaches out and says, I love you and because I love you I have chosen you. Adoption is always intentional.

A Kiddush Cup is used in the Jewish tradition during religious ceremonies including Passover. Several sites have more information about the use of a Kiddush Cup in Jewish ceremonies if you’re interested. It was at Passover that Jesus shared his cup with his disciples and said, “Drink of this cup as it is the sign of a new covenant.” In the new covenant everything has changed, our sins are forgiven as a loving parent who brings us into full membership of the family adopts us.  It’s a new day, a new life and a new relationship. Happy adoption day!